NMRC is making constant efforts to increase non-fare box revenue generation to support overall revenue. NMRC has chosen M/s CITY SUPERMART as licensee through open bid for commercial utilization of Mock-Up-Metro Train Coach to be placed at Noida Sector- 137 Metro Station on Aqua line.
NMRC will hand over the Mock-Up- Metro Train Coach, to Licensee to relocate the Mock – Up Metro Train – Coach from Depot area to designated space at Sector – 137 for setting up its business. Licensee can operate any kind of businesses i.e. restaurant, mix convenience store etc. except negative list/ banned usages of NMRC. The business activity inside the Mock-Up Coach will be a different and unique in Delhi/NCR. Licensees will also be permitted to develop circulating areas around the Metro coach as landscape/green areas with seating arrangements. Such initiative is being taken first time by any metro organization.
In addition to this, in the station box area at Sector-137, three restaurants, one car showroom and one saloon is already operational which made Sector-137 Metro Station more popular and happening place for the nearby residents as well as metro commuters.
Ritu Maheshwari
Managing Director