Noida Metro services usually start at 6:00 am to 10:45 pm. The accurate First Train and Last Train timings vary as per the each and every Station. The time duration is approximately to 7 minutes 30 second during the peak hours and 10 minutes during off peak duration (Monday to Friday). The Full list of Noida metro timings is all well-listed below and you can check the first and last metro in towards the way as it is considered as the nearest station of your final destination.

On Sunday, Metro services start at 8:00 am from both terminal as Sector-51 and Depot station.

First & Last Train Timings of Aqua Line

First Train (Monday - Saturday) First Train (Sunday) Last Train (All days)
Station Towards Towards Sec- Towards Towards Sec- Towards Towards Sec-
  Depot Station 51 Station Depot Station 51 Station Depot Station 51 Station
Noida Sector 51 6:00 - 8:00 - 22:00 -
Noida Sector 50 6:02 6:25 8:02 8:25 22:02 22:45
Noida Sector 76 6:04 6:23 8:04 8:23 22:03 22:43
Noida Sector 101 6:07 6:20 8:07 8:20 22:05 22:41
Noida Sector 81 6:09 6:18 8:09 8:18 22:07 22:39
NSEZ 6:12 6:14 8:12 8:14 22:09 22:35
Noida Sector 83 6:15 6:11 8:15 8:11 22:12 22:33
Noida Sector 137 6:17 6:08 8:17 8:08 22:14 22:31
Noida Sector 142 6:00 6:05 8:00 8:05 22:17 22:28
Noida Sector 143 6:02 6:02 8:02 8:02 22:19 22:26
Noida Sector 144 6:05 6:00 8:05 8:00 22:22 22:24
Noida Sector 145 6:08 6:27 8:08 8:27 22:24 22:21
Noida Sector 146 6:12 6:24 8:12 8:24 22:27 22:19
Noida Sector 147 6:14 6:21 8:14 8:21 22:29 22:16
Noida Sector 148 6:17 6:17 8:17 8:17 22:31 22:14
Knowledge Park II 6:21 6:13 8:21 8:13 22:35 22:10
Pari Chowk 6:24 6:10 8:24 8:10 22:37 22:08
ALPHA 1 6:27 6:07 8:27 8:07 22:39 22:06
DELTA 1 6:29 6:04 8:29 8:04 22:42 22:03
GNIDA Office 6:32 6:02 8:32 8:02 22:44 22:01
Depot Station - 6:00 - 8:00 - 22:00

Fare Table

No. of Stations Travelled From Monday to Saturday Sunday andNational Holidays
For 01 Station 10 10
For 02 Station 15 10
From 03 Stations to 06 Stations 20 15
From 07 Stations to 09 Stations 30 20
From 10 Stations to 16 Stations 40 30
For 17 Stations or Above 50 40

(Republic Day i.e. 26th Jan, Independence Day i.e. 15th Aug and Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Jayanti i.e. 2nd Oct.)

* Note:
  1. Fare of Single Journey per passenger has been indicated.
  2. 10% discount will be given on each journey through Smart Card.
  3. Minimum Rs. 10 will be charged on entry & exit from same Station by QR- Code ticket or Smart Card.

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