NMRC Records Ridership Crosses 30k Mark, Explores Non – Fare Box Revenue Options to Augment Revenue

Noida, 05 April 2022

The Noida Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. crossed the 30, 000 mark post Covid and recorded the highest ridership by carrying 30,620 passengers on 04.04.2022 (Monday). The average ridership was 23,266 in March 2022, 18,482 in February 2022 and 13,124 in January, 2022 which showed steady increase in ridership.

NMRC is also exploring non-fare box revenue sources to increase revenue and provide improved and better services to Aqua Line commuters. NMRC has already stepped into co-branding and 7 stations have already been taken up by private parties under this.

Recently, Our Organization has invited two tenders, one for Selection of vendor for Event management of NMRC business policies and other for advertising/co-branding rights at metro station. The motive is to increase non fare box revenues to Metro Corporation and provide business opportunities to private players.

1.NMRC intends to select Vendors for Event Management/facilitation for various business policies of NMRC

To enhance Non-Fare Box Revenues, NMRC has certain policies (Such as Policy for Birthday Party, Pre-Wedding and Other Similar Celebrations on Wheels in Noida, Metro Policy for Hiring of NMRC’s Premises including Metro Stations, Trains and Depot for a Particular Duration (Film-Shooting), Policy for Leasing part of Station Parking Space for Metro Market etc.) to allow the public at large to utilise/ avail the NMRC assets such as Metro Trains, Metro stations, Station parking areas etc. by paying the defined charges.

To promote and making public aware about these policies, NMRC wants to empanel vendors who can promote these policies on behalf of NMRC and also bring people for association with NMRC. To empanel the vendors, NMRC has floated an application form which is available on NMRC website (nmrcnoida.com) under Tender Section and sub section Property Development. The interested/eligible vendors can see the application document in detail on NMRC website and submit it in hard copy latest by 29.04.2022 by following the procedure as mentioned in the application document. The selection of the vendor will be done on H1 financial quote basis.

2. Walk- In –Policy for allotment of Co-Branding Rights of eight (08) Metro Stations.

NMRC has uploaded the details/documents on their website (nmrcnoida.com) under Business Offers Section (Sl. No. 8) regarding the allotment of Co-Branding Rights of Metro Stations namely Sec – 76, Sec – 101, Sec – 81, Sec – 83, Sec – 144, Sec – 145, Sec – 147 & Depot Station. Interested vendors/applicant can apply through online Google form to NMRC and then after submit all the requisite documents in hard copy to NMRC office as per procedure elaborated in the Walk-In – Policy document. Interested vendors/applicant can apply by the closing date of Walk-In-Policy i.e. by 11.04.2022. NMRC has declared the reserve price of Metro Station in Walk-In-Policy document and interested vendors/applicant can quote equal to or more than declared reserve price for the intended Metro Station. The selection of applicant for individual Station will be done on H1 financial quote basis.

Ritu Maheshwari

Managing Director