Noida, October 27, 2020

Noida Metro Rail Corporation (NMRC) today officially dedicated its Sector – 50 Metro Station to the Transgender Community. This station was today unveiled as “Pride Station” by Dr. Mahesh Sharma, Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Gautam Buddha Nagar, U. P. and Shri Pankaj Singh, Hon’ble MLA, Noida, U. P. in the presence of Smt. Ritu Maheshwari, Managing Director / NMRC and CEO (Noida Authority).

Shri Praveen Mishra, Executive Director / NMRC & ACEO (Noida Authority), Shri R. K. Saxena, Chief Operating Officer / NMRC, Shri Manoj Vajpayee, GM (Technical) / NMRC, Shri Pankaj Malhotra, GM (Finance) / NMRC, Shri Rajneesh Pandey, AGM (HR) / NMRC, Shri V. P. S. Komar, OSD to MD (NMRC) and other officers and staff of NMRC and DMRC’s handholding team were also present on the occasion.

Also present during the occasion were the Six (06) members of the Transgender Community who have been recruited by NMRC though their contractors. These members of the Transgender Community will be deployed at the Sector 50 Metro station. These members from the Transgender were provided the necessary training by NMRC before deployment.

Members from the NGO “Nazariya” were also present during the occasion. This NGO works exclusively with the Transgender Community and addresses their issues and other concerns. NMRC worked closely with this NGO to better understand the concerns of this community. “Nazariya” also conducted workshops for NMRC staff to generate awareness and sensitise them towards this Community and trained them to communicate with the trans community in a sensitive and cordial manner. In the future also, NMRC will be in constant touch with NGOs and other organisations that work for this community so that they can guide us in providing a healthy working environment for our employees belonging to this community.


It is a first of its kind initiative introduced by a Metro system in Northern India. This step has been taken by NMRC for the inclusion and meaningful participation of the members of the transgender community. As per Census 2011, there are 4.9 lakh transgenders in India out of which around 35,000 are staying in NCR. These numbers may have increased manifold in the present scenario.

This noble initiative by NMRC was inspired by the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019, passed by the Government of India, which aspires to protect the rights of the Transgender people and works towards their welfare.

The station has been named “Pride” as the NMRC feels extremely proud and privileged to have qualified members of the Transgender Community as part of the NMRC family. It also instils a sense of pride among the community and this step by NMRC is bound to be a ray of hope for the upliftment of the members of this community and help in breaking stereotypes about them so that they too can live a dignified life with their head held high.

The name was selected after receiving suggestions from the general public and various NGOs and other organisations that work for this community. Suggestions were called online from people on NMRC’s website and Maximum people suggested the name “Pride”.

The “Pride” station, though dedicated to the Transgender Community, will be open for all passengers. It will also provide employment opportunities for the Transgender Community.

The Artwork and look of the station has also been done to signify the essence and spirit of the members of the Transgender Community.

To provide the Transgender Community with employment opportunities and to enable their meaningful inclusion in the society, NMRC had also come up with vacancies for the Transgender Community.

NMRC had come out with 06 vacancies (04 for Ticket Vending Operator and 02 for Housekeeping Staff) for the Transgender Community. These vacancies were specifically for deployment at the “Pride” Station.

The candidates were asked to submit their applications to NMRC’s contractors responsible for deploying staff at NMRC’s stations.

NMRC also collaborated with National Backward Class Finance Corporation (NBCFDC), a Government organisation working for upliftment of the Backward classes for providing employment to the Transgender Community. NMRC received overwhelming response from the Transgender Community against these vacancies.

Sandhya Sharma
Deputy General Manager
Corporate Communications
Noida Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.